Last weekend, while everyone’s attention was focused on the ‘covidiots’ at Ikea, our photographer snapped a few pictures at Orchard Road.
At 11 PM, one auntie was still trying to sell tissue paper to passers-by. She did not have much success because the sidewalks were nearly empty, and most pedestrians kept to themselves.

Supermarkets packed with shoppers. Winding queues outside Ikea or Toys ‘R’ Us. Potential clusters just waiting to blossom and kill.
There is, I think, a sense of learned helplessness that comes with the territory of being Singaporean. You say no to the casino. The Government says yes. You want Tharman as PM, but they give you 4G leadership instead. You were ready to vote for President Halimah, until some random committee swooped in and decided you must vote for President Halimah. At work, scholars leap-frog ahead of the so-called ‘farmers’, their careers paths already determined by some unseen higher power.